We’ve Got Awesome Down to a Science
Avocatin-B—The Breakthrough Scientific Discovery That Started the Metabolism Movement
Boost Metabolism | Manage Blood Sugar | Improve Health

The Best of Mother Nature +Science
It’s not often you get the best of both worlds: Mother Nature and Science. But with Metavo’s key ingredient AvoB™, that is what you get.
Because AvoB was a surprise discovery in a lab, and is backed by clinical research that show its efficacy. Yet, this key ingredient is also a powerful naturally derived and naturally acting agent. Science, meet Mother Nature.
The Best of Mother Nature +Science
It’s not often you get the best of both worlds: Mother Nature and Science. But with Metavo’s key ingredient AvoB™, that is what you get.
Because AvoB was a surprise discovery in a lab, and is backed by clinical research that show its efficacy. Yet, this key ingredient is also a powerful naturally derived and naturally acting agent. Science, meet Mother Nature.

A Decade of Scientific Research
Our scientists, including our lead scientist Dr. Paul Spagnuolo, have spent the better part of a decade researching and discovering AvoB, which Dr. Paul found only in a unique subset of avocados—its longform being Avocatin-B (AvoB™). And now, AvoB is found exclusively in Metavo as the driving natural bio-active ingredient—bioactive meaning, a type of chemical found in small amounts in plants and certain foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
YES—I WANT TO ACTIVATE MY METABOLISM!A Decade of Scientific Research
Our scientists, including our lead scientist Dr. Paul Spagnuolo, have spent the better part of a decade researching and discovering AvoB, which Dr. Paul found only in a unique subset of avocados—its longform being Avocatin-B (AvoB™). And now, AvoB is found exclusively in Metavo as the driving natural bio-active ingredient—bioactive meaning, a type of chemical found in small amounts in plants and certain foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
Understanding How the Body Works
The First Step in Taking Charge of Your Health
What Is Metabolic Dysfunction?
Metabolic dysfunction refers to a state in which the normal metabolic processes of the body are impaired or disrupted, leading to a variety of health problems.
But first, “metabolism” refers to the processes by which the body converts food into energy and building blocks for various cellular functions.
Metabolic dysfunction can take many different forms, including insulin resistance, which occurs when the body becomes less responsive to insulin and has trouble regulating blood sugar levels.
Other forms of metabolic dysfunction include abnormalities in lipid (fat) metabolism, such as high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as problems with mitochondrial function, which can lead to a variety of health issues.
Metabolic dysfunction can be caused by a variety of factors:
- Poor diet
- Lack of exercise
- Genetics
- Environmental Factors
These factors can raise your risk of developing cardio-metabolic issues related to heart health, such as being extremely overweight or pre-diabetic.
It is important to talk to your doctor if you think you may have a cardio-metabolic condition.
“This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”
WhatIs Glucose Oxidation?
To gain enough energy for daily tasks and maintain normal body function, the body must generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule which acts as the energy currency of the cell. One of the ways we make ATP in our bodies is by metabolizing the carbohydrate, glucose, through a process known as glucose oxidation.
After a carbohydrate-rich meal, blood glucose levels are elevated, which causes insulin to signal for the cells to uptake this glucose and commence the process of glucose oxidation.
What Is Fatty Acid Oxidation?
But what happens when you eat foods rich in fat? Like glucose, fat molecules known as fatty acids can also be used to make ATP.
This occurs through a metabolic process known as fatty acid oxidation (FAO). This process
occurs in the mitochondria of the cell, which you likely already know is the “powerhouse” of the cell.
Glucose Oxidation or Fatty Acid Oxidation? Now, THAT Is the Question.
Whether the body uses glucose or fatty acids to make ATP depends on the availability of each. In a healthy individual, your body will use glucose oxidation after a carbohydrate-rich meal and fatty acid oxidation after eating fats.
The ability of the body to switch between these metabolic pathways is known as metabolic flexibility. This process is important in maintaining healthy metabolism and ATP levels. ATP is needed for every bodily function; from breathing to thinking to walking to exercising but like everything in life, we only need so much.
But what happens when we eat more sugar and fats than the body needs? Well, it gets stored as fat.
When typical fat deposits become oversaturated, excess fat gets stored in places where it normally does not belong, like the liver, pancreas, and skeletal muscle. This leads to inefficient metabolism in these tissues.
In an overweight individual, where fat stores are increased, Fatty acid oxidation is kicked into high gear. This allows the body to break down these excess fats but also interferes with other metabolic processes.
When processes are overactive, things can go wrong, and FAO is not exempt of this. In the state of overactive FAO, fats are not fully broken down like they would usually be. This is termed incomplete FAO, which yields NO ATP and creates unwanted by-products.
These by-products (known as toxic metabolites) impair the mitochondria
and its function in a phenomenon known as mitochondrial overload. This mitochondrial overload impairs other processes and leads to metabolic inflexibility.
The Metavo Advantage: Naturally Activate Metabolism—Fast
Now that you’ve got a handle on the basics of metabolic function and dysfunction, let’s examine how Metavo works to help fix metabolic dysfunction—naturally. That’s right… Without having to take prescription drugs and subsequently deal with their laundry list of side effects!
AvoB, the key proprietary ingredient found exclusively in Metavo (you just won’t find it anywhere else), is formulated from high-quality avocado, which means all its superfood components, like antioxidants, vitamin E, and fiber, stay potent. These bioactive ingredients are sourced directly from freeze-dried avocado to ensure they reach your system with all the benefits nature intended.

Experience the Metavo Difference in 30 Days!
Days 1-4. Starts to activate a healthy metabolism and blood sugar.
Days 15-30. Optimizes an active metabolism, and balances blood sugars. You should experience reduced sugar cravings and more energy.
Day 30 onward. You’ve been activated! Your metabolism is working properly.
Science Doesn’t Lie
AvoB has over a decade of supporting scientific research. In fact, avocado alone, as it pertains to great health, has OVER 100 studies that show its efficacy.
But don’t just take our word for it. Check out the science for yourself.
Dr. Spagnuolo’s clinical safety research on humans demonstrates AvoB™ is safe even in upper-limit dosages. Additionally, his university-led pre-clinical trial quantifies the impact of AvoB™.

After we eat, the amount of glucose in our blood rises

Insulin is released to bring blood sugar levels back down to "normal" levels

When the body starts to ignore the insulin message (insulin resistance), blood sugar levels rise and can lead to weight gain, hypertension, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.
Metavo works to support normal blood sugar levels and maintain healthy metabolism.
If you are interested in learning more about the technical science behind Metavo, check out our clinical studies and published research.
SP Nutraceuticals report on Metavo
This report illuminates the science behind the powerful bioactive compound AvoB, harnessed from a unique subset of avocados, and chromium, an essential mineral that improves insulin action in
the body. This report looks at chronic conditions like diabetes and metabolic syndrome and how the health benefits of avocados, AvoB, and chromium work together to restore insulin sensitivity and blood glucose levels.
A clinical trial published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2019
In this 8-week trial, mice were fed high-fat diets and given AvoB, which led to improved glucose tolerance, glucose utilization, and insulin sensitivity. Afterward, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial in healthy human participants confirmed the findings and AvoB’s nutritional and clinical importance.
A study published in Scientific Reports, 2020
This study establishes the promising
pharmacokinetic and biodistribution of AvoB in biological systems. Pharmacokinetics is the study of the bodily absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretions of drugs and substances of interest. Biodistribution is a tracking method where compounds of interest travel in a human or animal subject.
A clinical trial published in Clinical Obesity, 2019
This trial looked at the role of chromium as a weight loss agent and established that chromium supplementation was associated with some improvements in body composition in subjects with
obesity. However, the clinical relevance of chromium as a weight loss aid remains uncertain.
A clinical trial published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 2014
This trial established in randomized controlled trials that chromium mono- and combined supplementation significantly improved glycaemic control. The evidence suggests favourable effects of chromium supplementation on glycaemic control in patients with diabetes.
Our founder, Dr. Paul Spagnuolo speaks with Lianne Phillipson, on the Eat This With Lianne Podcast
There is a term out there called Nutraceuticals which means our dietary supplements derived from food, sold in a pill, powder, or other form, to provide medicinal or nutritional benefits. So, on this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we talk to an expert about metabolic health, why it's essential, and how incredible one particular food is...the Avocado!